Having a bevy of Custom GPTs available to assist me in my work and life is SOOO helpful. It’s like having a team of gnomes ready to lend their magi-technical expertise.

Although I’ve created a lot of GPTs for work, here are a few that I’m relying on for my own efforts to assist me with various tasks. What’s really cool? Having Enhanced Audio Chats within the context of these to get them to explain my own work to me. That IS REALLY COOL.

As a tongue-in-cheek, I’ve named them “MGpts.” Get it? Miguel’s Generative Pre-trained transformers, but the G is also for Guhlin (my last name). Ok, I didn’t make a living as a comedian. That’s more on the level of a Dad Joke.

The List of MGpts

What GPT will I create next? Hmm…